Scott Schwab
Does anyone else feel like there is not enough time in a day? I think more than anything that is what I wish I could control. Anyway the day is beautiful and I feel like writing about something that I have seen my wife doing lately. She is now embarking on the p-90x routine and doing very well with it. I have watched her do the regiment and have to give props to the creators of the regiment. I think the main thing that I wanted to talk about is the time they take to work the abs. I have talked about this before, but would like to touch on the fact that we need to be working our core harder and longer. For many of us, it is an after thought or something that we briefly do at the end of our workout. This regiment is for 30 minutes and with minimal rests. I think that this style is wonderful, but if you are going to do this style you need to dedicate 2 or 3 days a week to 30 minutes per time. Or you can do 15 minutes per day and do differing exercises. The main point is this. Work those abs until you feel like you cannot give anymore, then do 10 more reps. This principle will push you harder each and every time, and allow you to expect more from yourself and your workouts. Most of your workout is mental. What I mean by that is depending on how much you give yourself an out, or think you are tired; it will show in your workout. Of course there will be days where your motivation is lower than others, but consistency is king. It will allow you push through those times and continue to get better. Now when doing your workouts for the abs specifically. Do many different workouts with as many reps as possible. The P-90x workout, he does 25 reps with about a 10 second rest in between. He does workouts that target all the different areas of the core. For instance he will do crunches, oblique sit ups, sit-ups with legs elevated, obliques with legs elevated. If you are looking for some ab workouts, look back over some of the other ab workouts that we have posted on. The main thing I would suggest is to set a group of exercises and either do the everyday abs for 15 minutes or the 30 minute workout, 2 or 3 times a week. Now, set it as a goal and go and do it. Research the exercises that you would like to do and get er done! You have to know your body and what you can do. We have four weeks left and now it is time to push it for the core challenge. have a great day and start your week off right.