Saturday, January 1, 2011

SMART Goal Making

Chandi Schwab
It is a new year and the most popular time to make new goals and strive to create a "New You". Unfortunately most people don't last long with their goals and easily slip back into what is easier and comfortable. Often times I think it is because we don't take the right approach and it can be so daunting to stack up all of our imperfections at once, and force ourselves into perfection. I did some research and put together a few thoughts to helps us succeed with our goals. So check it out and cheers to 2011! Make it count and make your goals realistic so you don't let yourself down.

1)Make sure it is something you really want: You need to think about large goals and confirm whether you are willing to sacrifice much time and effort to achieve it. Also, weigh the achievement of your goal to the sacrifices that you will have to make to achieve it. If it’s worth it, Great! If not, reconsider your goal…

2)Break up your goal into smaller sub-goals: “Lose weight” is probably a very common goal. Unfortunately, it is also a very hard to achieve goal. Looking at a huge feat written on one line in your book could be a little intimidating. Instead, break your goal up into more manageable smaller goals, or create milestones. In the case of “Lose Weight”, three good sub-goals could be: “Only drink 2 soda pops per week”, “Eat more salad” and “Go to the gym 3 times per week.”. Breaking up your goals not only makes your goal list less intimidating, it gives you more motivation to succeed.

3)Think S.M.A.R.T.: This is a great system to use when setting goals. Writing a blurb for each letter and recording it with your goal could help you focus on your goal in the future. (I got this off of

Specific: It is great to have a clear concise title to your goal, but you should also describe it in more detail. For example Buy a Car could be described with Save $20,000, and search for a red Four-door sedan, with leather seats.

Measurable: Try to write a goal that you can measure numerically. Instead of Sell more products, maybe write something like Increase personal sales by 30%. A goal can be much more motivating if you can track and record your progress, and see how you are doing.

Achievable/Realistic : Can your goal really be done? Think not only about the goal, but about your personal circumstances. If you are in your 40s and you have back problems, setting a goal to Run a marathon for the first time may not be the most realistic option, and likely could end in disappointment.

Timely : How much time will you have to put in on a regular basis to achieve this goal? How long from now do you plan to achieve this goal.
Think positive. Pass your next math test is a much more positive and effective goal than Don't fail another math test. Your brain responds better to positive words. Also, try not to use the word not in your goal, as your brain cannot sub-consciously register not.

4)Categorize your goals: It is generally good to categorize your goals into areas of your life that you would like to improve. This works best if you develop your own categories. Again, creating a visual map of your goals in these categories can be useful, as it can show you where you want to improve most.
Some examples are...
Health & Fitness, Family & Relationships, Enjoyment & Recreation, Social & Friends, Financial & Career, and Educational

5)Write them down!: Probably one of the most important and most ignored step to effective goal setting is to write it down! If you don't write your goal down, you will not remember it. Writing your goals and reviewing them daily will give your mind sub-conscious cues that what your reading is important, and will help you succeed.

6)Review Goals Daily:Writing your goals and then setting them aside to collect dust wont do much. It is important to review your goals daily, or weekly if you are too busy. Also, when you lay in bed trying to fall asleep, mentally go through your goals and think about 3 things you have done recently that have helped you in one area, and 3 things that you would like to do soon to help you get closer to achieving your goals.

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