Sunday, February 24, 2013

Quote of the day

Scott Schwab:

I need to apologize for the sabbatical that we have taken from the blog. We have been busy with other things, but are happy to get back into posting material for life and health.

Statistics show that as we approach March, most people are no longer working towards their New Year's Resolution. With that said lets focus on the aspect of growth and positive change.

Setting new goals will require a new way of thinking. Getting results in our lives, will require a new way of living. Finally, if we desire greatness, we must live great regardless of what is happening in life.

Here is a quote that I think we can all relate to and use for our present of performance and our future of greatness.

"With new Hope, we build new lives. Why complain when it rains? This is what it means to be free".

-Lawson Inada-

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