Saturday, April 28, 2012

Post results for Shannon Willardson

Shannon Willardson




POST-FOUR-WEEK CHALLENGE PICTURES ... 1 week late (woops!)

So YES - these pics are being posted 1-week late... blame it on having family in town, my husband graduating, and an out-of-state wedding. BUT, I promise that these pics were TAKEN on the deadline date, April 20th!!  Scout's Honor people!

Starting Weight: 114
Ending Weight: 111

Despite its short duration of only 4 weeks, I have to admit that this challenge was...well...CHALLENGING!  Something I was continually reminded of was that 'Life Happens', and it seems to have little regard for how it might be inconveniencing us or disrupting our plans.  Family will come into town, business trips will happen, along with weddings, graduations, birthday parties (and YES - every single one of those took place during that 4 week period. Can we say Crazy?!)... the list could go on and on - I can't even imagine what it's like for those of you who have KIDS!  And while those things can make it seem more difficult to achieve your goals, they are the reality.  And so we must learn to engage in all of these life-events while still taking care of our bodies and living a healthy lifestyle.  I will be the first to admit that this is something I am still learning how to do.  However, what I realized during this last four weeks is this: having a challenge, or a goal, or something that pushes you, HELPS!  It can be the difference between staying home from the gym when you just don't feel like it verses getting up and going anyway because you know you have a deadline.  The other thing I was reminded of during this challenge was the importance of BEING NICE TO YOURSELF!  It's not about perfection - it's about progress!  In the past I've been someone who had a very 'all or nothing' mentality.  When I fell off the wagon, instead of learning from it and then jumping right back up and getting back on, I would lose all hope, feel like I had failed all together and more or less give up.  ALL or NOTHING.  I have learned since that this is such a silly way to approach life and goal-reaching.  Working toward a goal is not about perfection - it's about PROGRESS!  Our chances of success are so much higher when we are kind to ourselves - when we encourage ourselves, tell ourselves we can do it, empathize and express understanding... to OURSELVES!  This may be one of the greatest lessons I've learned and one of the most significant ways I've changed in my life as a whole.  And the difference it has made in my ability to reach goals has been enormous!

So, was I perfect in reaching my goals over this last 4 weeks?  Not quite.  Did I come out exactly where I wanted to?  Well, not exactly.  BUT - did I make progress?  YES!  Little as it may be, progress is progress.  There was a change in my body, AND I felt pretty darn good in my little wedding reception outfit (last picture), which was the event that my goal was centered around.  Most of all, I am grateful for all that I learned, and for the fun experience of getting to PUSH MYSELF. 

I'd love to hear how all of YOU did?  Did you set a 4-week challenge goal?  Did you reach your goal?  Did you decide after reading this post to give yourself a challenge?  If so, tell us what it is!  TALK TO US PEOPLE!  And keep on keepin' on!  

Wedding Ready:



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