Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Chew on this

Scott Schwab:
After a long vacancy from the blog, I wanted to do a post to let you know the count down is on and we are almost back in the saddle. We are gearing up for a lot of fun with the blog and have introduced twitter as part of our exciting changes. Essentially we would like to have easy access to following the blog and the information that is posted. Health is always changing and our goal is to deliver it effectively. Any ideas or thoughts please let us know. However we would like to welcome you back and have you welcome us back.

Today I wanted to do a little blurb about oral health. It is proven that chewing trident after meals is healthier for your mouth then chewing other gum or nothing at all. The reason for this, is the ingredient called Xylitol. It prevents cavities and promotes a healthy environment for your mouth. I think all of us have had a cavity before and know of its discomfort. Untreated cavities become root canals. Root canals cause abscessed teeth, and well that's when life is miserable. So starting any new health goal; should include a goal to have better oral health. You probably brush, but how many times in a day? How often do we floss and get our regular treatments? These are the things that can make life a lot easier.
Additionally, having a clean mouth often times prevents people from wanting to eat sweet foods, salty foods, and even drinks high in sugar and calories. The trick is to start with a clean mouth and keep it clean throughout the day so we can avoid some of the urges that come. It can also help with anyone looking to quit smoking. Combined with some other ingredients it is a great way to eliminate the need for nicotine. It is a process known as pallet cleaning. I have seen it work for multiple individuals, so I know it is possible.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Back! I've missed the posts and am looking forward to the new things you guys have in store! I love the blog and am thankful for the time and effort you both put into it. :)
