Scott Schwab:
With all the goodies and great food around, there definitely needs to be a strategy for limits. Setting limits is a positive thing and there is not the "regret factor" when a person was able to set their own limits.
Regret comes when we over indulge, over eat, over anything. Guilt can be something that drives us to greener pastures or happier days. However, often times it has the reverse effect and we feel consumed with all the reasons for why we did or did not do what we had intended.
This is why goal setting alone can be so frustrating and even cause stress. If we are to focus on goals, let us remember that focusing on performance is focusing on the tasks that will get us to our results or end goal. We all want to get to that goal down the road, but putting in the work is something different.
It doesn't have to be different though, and all it takes is a switch in the mentality. Focus on what you will do rather than what you will not do. Be a person of action, and not response. Responding to situations has a variety of outcomes. Deciding on the action will also determine the outcome, but it is predetermined.
Being healthy does take work and it may seem that we may never get there. We are right if we think that. We create our performance by what we think. If we think we can't, we are right. If we think we can, we are right. Believe in yourself and that you have the ability to make the change that you desire.
Look to replace honey for sugar and sweets this Holiday season. Honey is great with nutrients and natural sugars that are better for digestion and overall health than man-made sugars.
Do things because you want to not because you have to! When we do not watch our consumption and intake when we are young, though we are living how we want to; that will end in the future when our wants are replaced by the needs that we sacrificed. Our bodies are amazing machines and will work in direct relation to how we treat them. Bee good to your body and your body will bee good to you.
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