Thursday, February 26, 2009

High blood pressure/ High Cholesterol??

Drew Cavner
Today we'll shortly cover just a few things that many Americans battle everyday; high blood pressure, and or high cholesterol. Millions of people a year are prescribed pricey, toxic blood pressure/cholesterol medication under the assumption that they have no other options. On that same note, many Americans are discovering that they don't have to always rely on prescription medications to cure their problems. There are many ways that you can reduce both via homeopathic methods.

1. Up your omega 3 fatty acids. Your omega 3 fatty acids help increase your (HDL's) - good cholesterol, while decreasing your (LDL's) - bad cholesterol. You can either supplement through increased intake of fish, almonds, cashews, all natural peanut butter, etc.

2 Super Odorless Garlic - Super odorless garlic is another very popular supplement that is used to decrease blood pressure. Have no fear, most companies deodorize the garlic so your breath wont smell like you just got punched in the mouth by an Italian. I kid, I kid!

3. Hawthorne Berry Extract - This is a very potent antioxidant and is also used to break down fat cells, bad cholesterol, help protect the arterial walls.

Others to note - Flax oil, safflower oil, sesamin.

Also, by increasing your omega 3 fatty acids you are also helping your body lubricate it's joints. Your essential fatty acids are very very potent natural anti- inflammatories. You're going to want to take in anywhere from 4 - 6 grams per day, preferably spread out evenly throughout the day. It's easiest to mix the liquid form into your protein shakes throughout the day!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Drew-
    Love the post. I love the bit about super odorless garlic. Getting punched in the mouth by an italian is a very good analogy. I will need to get some Omega 3 fatty acids. Is it better to take in pill form or some other way? Great work.

  3. THe pill form is usually easier, but if yo can get your hands on the liquid form it will be cheaper and more effective. Try googling Udo's Oil by Flora.
